Numero Uno Partners – the brainchild of two visionaries Rahul Das and Shivabasava Chinivalar was incorporated in March 2022 with a vision of enabling businesses to learn, grow and flourish in a sustainable manner.
In today’s VUCA (Volatile, Uncertain, Complex and Ambiguous) World, collaborations and partnerships are essential both for business survival as well as sustainable growth. Such collaborations could be for:
- Plugging competency/ resource gaps
- Maximizing value chain synergies
- Increasing overall value offered to the customer
- Accessing geographies/ customers
- Accessing an extended network/ ecosystem.
Numero Uno Partners is a one stop solution for enterprises to identify and associate with relevant partners to meet their desired outcomes.

To provide an unique, transparent platform that promises to create reliable investment/business community and showcase numerous investment opportunities to the investors/businesses.

To expand the horizons of corporate collaborations/partnerships with indispensable trust and long term client relationships that can aid in realizing the financial goals of our clients.